Påskhelgen med Alida Ivanov

Ni som är kvar i stan under helgen borde nog passa på och besöka Alida Ivanov Gallery och ta del av utställningen Our Global Behaviour is Psychopathic. Det är alltså en film gjord av Virlani Hallberg and Jennifer Rainsford och utspelar sig till största delen ute i skärgården och på en segelbåt. Olika personer tas till den isolerade ön och utsätts för diverse tester för att se i fall de håller måttet eller ej. Gör de inte det blir de dödade - på uppmaning av en dödsängel.

The plot is played out on a sailing boat during one day, a journey that seems to pursue an utopian vision, but without an apparent reason. The characters are called Programme A, B , C, and DÄ. The first three execute different exercises and tests to evaluate who is worthy of the utopian goal, and who should be obliterated. Programme A and B act indifferent and cold. To begin with, they are meticulous and almost compulsive in their looks and action. Programme C tries to please them and wants to live up to their expectations, but fails to win their confidence, and therefore becomes annihilated.

All three allow themselves to be exhorted by the fourth invisible character, Programme DÄ, the angel of death. There is no clear line between the characters as they switch their persona and role for another, which is initiated by the next person, all according to a predestined programme.
(Mer om filmvisningen finns här)

Vad: Our Global Behaviour is Psychopathic
Var: Alida Ivanov Gallery, Tomtebogatan 18
När: 1-4 april


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